How to connect to my Forex Server?

After you have made a payment the following details are sent to your email address:

  •  – Administrator’s username
  •  – Administrator’s password
  •  – Server’s IP address (and port if applicable)
  •  – your_server_name.myforexvps.com

For Windows Operating System
For managing your server please use “mstsc” application, which is available on every PC with OS Windows. To launch it press «Start» — «Run» и and run command:

mstsc -v Server’s IP address (and port if applicable)

For MacOS
We recommend to use the application “Microsoft Remote Desktop”. You can download it free of charge from Apple App Store.

If you have activated myRDP console:

URL: https://console.myforexvps.com/
Логин: your_server_name.myforexvps.com
Пароль: Administrator’s password
Please do not use copy/paste for username and password.

Please make sure you type the username starting with capital “A”, like Administrator.

How to connect to my Forex VPS using smartphone or tablet?

For smartphones and tablets we recommend to use the software “Microsoft Remote Desktop”.

For Apple iOS: Press here

For Google Android: Press here

How to transfer / copy files from my computer to VPS?

If your VPS tariff has Windows 2008 operating system, you may use one of the following methods.
If your VPS tariff has Windows 2003 operating system, you may use one of the following methods, except for the Method 1 and 2.

Method #1 – Copy+Paste. Copy a file on your PC by right clicking the file and selecting “Copy” in the context menu. Then, on your VPS, for example on VPS desktop, right click on empty space and select  “Paste”. The file will be copied over.

Method #2 – Connect and make your PC’s local hard drives accessible from VPS. In order to do this, you need to enable disk access in the application: Before you establish a connection to VPS using “Remote desktop connection” application press “Options”, then “Local resources”, then “More…”. Click on “+” against Drives. Put checkmark against the disk you need to access from VPS. Now connect to your VPS. Now you can access your local disk in “My computer”.

Method #3 – Email. Send the necessary files to your email box. Then open your email box using internet browser on VPS and download your files to VPS.

Method #4 – Use Dropbox, Google drive to transfer files to your VPS.

How to install several МТ4/5 on VPS?

Please watch our YouTube Video here: How to install multiple MT4/5 terminals on VPS

How to change administrator's password on VPS?

To change your current password follow these steps (you have to be connected to VPS):

– Start ->
– Windows Security ->
– Change password…


– Start ->
– Control Panel ->
– User accounts ->
– Change your password

I have copied my Expert Advisor (EA) to VPS / Terminal's folder, but I can not see the EA in the terminal. How to solve?

You might need to run your MT4 build 600+ in “Portable” mode (similar to how is was in the older builds of MetaTrader4), where all settings are stored in MT4’s folder. To do that you will need to use the parameter /portable.

For your own convenience you may want to create a shortcut for launching you MT4 using this special parameter (do not forget to put space before /portable): See example…

Can I restart my VPS? How to restart my VPS? How to restart it without connecting to VPS?

To restart your VPS follow these steps:

– Start ->
– Log off, click on the triangle nearby “>” ->
– Restart

Besides the above method for restarting you VPS you may use the following other methods./p>

The following two methods do not require you to be connected to VPS. All you need is to sign in to the Client area on our website.

In the client area, click on:
Services ->
My services ->
(Select the required VPS if there are more than one) ->
View detail (click on) ->
Management Actions ->

In the “Management Actions” menu there are two options:

1. Reboot = soft restart. Your VPS will be given a command to restart, like if you clicked on Start -> Log off -> Restart. However if your VPS is in “hanging” state the restart most probably will not happen.

2. Reset = Restart using server power. This method will restart your VPS in any state. This is like you pressed Reset button on you PC’s system block.

Click on ‘Reboot’ or ‘Reset’, then wait for 5 minuts for server to restart and boot up. You may now connect to your VPS.

How to extend the subscription? How to pay for the next term?

Before 14 days the end date of your paid term an invoice will be sent automatically to your email.

You will have 14 days days to pay the bill.
Also, a reminder will be sent 7 days before the invoice due date.

How to change my subscription billing cycle?

Please submit a ticket in the client area describing the changes you would like to make.

What will happen to my VPS if I did not pay in time?

On the invoice due date you will receive a notification email about missed payment.
Then you will have 24 hoyrs to arrange for a payment, otherwise your server will be switched off and terminated permanently in 48 hours.

If your VPS is switched off due to missed payment, in client area the status will be “Suspended”. This means that you can still reactivate (switch on) your VPS by paying the outstanding bill – your VPS will be automatically switched on within 5 minutes from the moment payment is received.

If your VPS status is “Terminated”, this means that this VPS is permanently termininated and can not be reactivated. In this case you may create a new order.

How to upgrade my VPS to a higher tariff?

In the client area please go to Services -> My Services -> Click on the Active service -> Upgrade.

A list of available upgrade options will be displayed on the page. Choose the desired tariff you wish to upgrade to.

The system will create an invoice, taking into account remaining paid days for the current tariff and the price of the new tariff.

After payment of this invoice, you need to create a support ticket in the client area in order to agree with the Help Desk on date and time to power-off your server, which is required for the upgrade to the new tariff.

The server will only be off for 10 minutes.

If you have ECO X tariff, which is running Windows 2003, the upgrade to a higher tariff will mean the complete deletion of the ECO X server, including all the information within, and the installation of a new VPS running Windows 2008. Hence, you are kindly requested to copy all the necessary data to your computer.

If you have any other tariff, the upgrade to a new tariff is carried out without loss of data and settings on the server – your server will be simply given additional system resources.

Can I work with all brokers using my VPS?

We are an independent company, so you are able to use all brokers.

Can I install my own platforms on VPS?

Yes, you are allowed to install and run all the necessary software you require for Forex trading.

Do I require antivirus software on VPS?

If you using your VPS exclusively for Forex trading, do not suft internet from within VPS, then our advise is not to install antivirus software. Any antivirus software will consume CPU and RAM resources which is more necessary for your platforms and EAs.

I have changed to higher plan / tariff, however I did not get additional disk space. How to solve?

You are required to extend your disk partition. Please follow these steps:

For Windows 2008:

– Start ->
– Administrative tools ->
– Computer management ->
– Disk management ->
– Right click on “Disk management” ->
– Refresh ->
– Right click on Drive C: ->
– Extend Volume ->
– Next -> Next -> Next

For Windows 2008:

– Start ->
– Administrative tools ->
– Computer management ->
– Disk management ->
– Right click on “Disk management” ->
– Refresh ->
– Right click on the disk “Unallocated” ->
– New simple volume ->
– Next -> Next -> Next -> Next -> Next -> Finish

How to enable / disable sound transmission from my VPS?

To enable / disable sound transmission follow stese steps:

  1. – Start ->
  2. – Administrative tools ->
  3. – Remote Desktop Services ->
  4. – Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration ->
  5. – Connections > пright click on “RDP-Tcp” ->
  6. – Properties ->
  7. – Tab “Client settings” ->
  8. – Check/Uncheck с “Audio and video playback”
Remote desktop connection error after update Windows (CredSSP)?

1. check if all updates are installed on your PC; if not, install;
2. open command prompt cmd as Administrator;
3. copy command and insert into cmd (mouse+right click):

reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\CredSSP\Parameters /f /v AllowEncryptionOracle /t REG_DWORD /d 2

4. press Enter;
if completion is successful , you’ll receive a message “The operation complited successfully”;
5. reboot computer and connect server.

Check for updates in Windows-10
Open cmd as Administrator
Remote desktop connection error after update windows 2018

How to check CPU, RAM and SSD usage on VPS?

Please watch our YouTube Video here: How to check CPU,RAM,SSD usage

What to do if I have double-charge on the account?

If you subscribe to auto-payment option using PayPal, Skrill, Credit Card or WebMoney, please, do not pay manually, because payment system will do the automatic payment for the same service again!
You will get double payment.

What to do, if double payment was happened?

  • Open a ticket;
  • Attach receipts;
  • Request to refund money, otherwise overpaid amount will be available in your account balance for future use.


Useful links:

PayPal Automatic Recurring Payment
Skrill Automated Payments Interface Guide
Webmoney Recurring Payments Service

Any questions?
Write your question on our mail and we will answer you soon